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Macro Express with Quark 8.02

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I don’t know if this has been discussed here before; I couldn’t find a reference.

Anybody have experience with Macro Express and Quark 8.02, in Windows 10? In my installation, none of my Macro Express keyboard shortcuts (such as "type text" macros) activate. I have a whole range of "diacritic" keyboard shortcuts, for umlauts, letters with accents, etc. etc. I use those in any application. But within Quark, they will not execute.

Does anyone have any insight? Thanks.

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Quark! There's a product name I haven't heard for ages. It's very early and I'm tired so I'm not sure how much help I will be but I have a few thoughts for you. 

I don't think it is but if Quark 8 is a UWP application you will not be able to access controls and will have other limitations. UWP are the new modern apps from MS you get and manage from the App Store. 

You should try running MEP as an administrator.

You should submit a support request with ISS. They are very responsive. 

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