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Delay 111 Miliseconds


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I regularly change all the delays to 111 (say), instead of how long they were at the recording. (You know, I often pause various amounts of time between key strokes.....). Often the macros are long, and it takes forever to make all the changes to 111. Is there a way to change all delays at once, to, say, 111, or 1111, etc????


Thanks a lot.



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You might want to try the inserting the Macro Playback Speed command at the top of your macro.


When you capture a macro, by default, delays are inserted into the macro. You can choose to leave the delays out by unchecking the 'Capture At' checkbox. If you choose to leave the delays in (by leaving the 'Capture At' checkbox checked) you then have the choice of how fast the macro will run after you finish capturing it. This choice is made by selecting one of 'Actual Speed', 'Half Speed', 'Double Speed', or 'Quadruple Speed'.


No matter what speed setting you select, the Delay commands in your macro remain the same. What changes is the addition of the Macro Playback Speed command. This command will proportionally increase or decrease all of the delay commands that follow in that macro.


If you captured your macro using 'Actual Speed' you can manually add the Macro Playback Speed command at the top of your macro to decrease the delay time of each Delay command.


On the other hand, if you want to decrease some delays and leave others the same, then you would need to edit your macro. I use the technique described by lemming in the macros I write. I normally use decimal variables such as %D1% and %D2%. If I need a short delay in some parts of a macro and a longer delay in other parts of the macro I will assign a small number such as 0.1 to %D1% and a larger number, perhapse 1.0, to %D2%. Then I use %D1% and %D2% in Delay commands. For example, Delay: %D1% seconds.


You can use decimal variables when you are delaying in Seconds but not when delaying in Milliseconds. If you are delaying in Milliseconds then you need to use integer variables as suggested by lemming.


To edit a macro containing a lot of Delay: 111 Milliseconds commands you should explore the Direct Editor. Macros displayed in the Direct Editor are shown in a format that is more difficult for humans to read than macros in the Script Editor. For example, instead of seeing

Delay: 111 Milliseconds

you see


However, when you are in the Direct Editor you can perform search and replace operations on your macros.


So, to replace all Delay: 111 Milliseconds commands with Delay: %N1% Milliseconds you would do the following:

  • Open the macro in the Direct Editor
  • Press Ctrl-R
  • Type <MSD:111> in the 'Find what:' field
  • Type <MSD:%N1%> in the 'Replace with:' field.
  • Click the Replace All button

Or, you can replace all Delay: 111 Milliseconds commands with Delay: %D1% Seconds by doing this:

  • Open the macro in the Direct Editor
  • Press Ctrl-R
  • Type <MSD:111> in the 'Find what:' field
  • Type <DELAY:%D1%> in the 'Replace with:' field.
  • Click the Replace All button

You will probably need to do the Search and Replace several times to change all of the different time delays in your macro and you need to repeat the steps for each of your macros.

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There is not a way to edit all of the delays at one time, but you can set up the capture to not capture the delays. You can then go in and enter delays where necessary. As Kevin suggested, you can also set the delay to a variable. This way, if timing changes in the future, you can adjust all of the delays at once.

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