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Everything posted by jason

  1. You can back up your macros by clicking on File, selecting Export and then Export Macros. You will see a list of all of your macros. You can either highlight the ones you wish to export by clicking on them, or pressing the Select All button. Once you have selected the macros that you wish to back up, press the Save button. You can then save the macro file to location of your choosing. To load the macros back in, you can either select File|Import|Import Macros and then browse to the saved location, or you can click on File|Open Macro File. If you do this, you will need to move the macro file from the floppy to your hard drive. To save the settings. Click on Tools and select Export Configuration. You will then be able to set the location that you wish to save it to. To import the settings, click on Tools and select Import Configuration.
  2. The scope of the system macros cannot be changed as they are required to run functions in Macro Express. If necessary, the macro activation can be changed as both Kevin and Joe have stated.
  3. The instructions above will do what you are asking.
  4. The option is in the Startup options found by clicking on Options and then selectiong preferences. If you check the Place in System Tray and Start Macro Express on Startup, the Macro Express icon will be placed in the System Tray.
  5. It is not possible to do this. We will consider this for a later version.
  6. From Microsoft Help: This will only launch Macro Express if you create a shortcut. The instructions to do this can be found in the help file, or the reply to one of your earlier posts: http://pgmacros.com/community/index.php?ac...E=02&f=2&t=4493.
  7. You can create your own category by clicking on Options and selecting Customize Categories while in the Scripting Editor or Direct Editor.
  8. You can send text type commands to a specific control using the Text Type command. You will need to select the option to Send Text to Control. Other commands require that the window have focus.
  9. Because of Windows security, You must be logged in to run a macro. Also, Macro Express cannot run when the screensaver has been activated.
  10. There are instances where the Wait For Time To Elapse command will fail. You may want to try using the Delay command instead. You will have the choice to delay in seconds or milliseconds.
  11. This feature is actually available in most e-mail clients, which Macro Express can access. We have written an article in one of our newsletters on how to do this. You can view the article at: http://www.macros.com/newsletters/MENewsJul2005.htm
  12. If the cursor is at the beginning of the field, you can try pressing Shift End to highlight the data.
  13. Many spreadsheets have hidden data in them that we cannot see. Unfortunately, when we copy information from a spreadsheet, this data is transferred as well. To eliminate the unseen data, you will need to use the Trim option found in the Variable Modify String command to remove the unwanted data. Once you have trimmed the information, you can then convert the value to a decimal variable.
  14. Instead of issuing a Control+C command, you may want to consider issuing a Control Down and Control Up command. The control key options can be found under the Keyboard options in the commands list. Using this option will actually hold down the control key while the c is being pressed. It is also important to note that whenever you are pressing the control, alt or shift key you should not use capital letters (e.g. <CTRLD>c<CTRLU>). Another option is to use the Clipboard Copy command found under the Clipboard options. You can also find the Clipboard Paste and Clipboard Cut commands here.
  15. You can change the log file location by clicking on Options|Preferences and selecting File Paths. All you need to do is change the E-Mail Out Log. I would highly discourage multiple users using the same file as there is no file locking to prevent two users from writing to the file at the same time causing garbled text to be saved. The log file is a standard text file that can be viewed in any program that supports text files.
  16. If you are using Internet Explorer, you could try something like this: Get Control %C1% (MSN.com - Microsoft Internet Explorer: Edit) Mouse Single Left Click on Control %C1% Clipboard Copy If you are using another browser, you may have to use a mouse move command to highlight the address in the address bar before copying the information.
  17. This has been fixed, and will be available in a later build.
  18. The code below will send all files in a folder using the E-Mail Send Command in Macro Express: Repeat with Folder Variable Modify String: Append "%T1%" to %T2% Variable Modify String: Append ";" to %T2% Repeat End E-Mail Send: Know Recipients, Fixed Text, Attachments The Repeat with Folder command should be set to return the files, placed in variable T1 and return the full file path. Make sure to add the Variable Modify String command to append the semi-colon as this is the seperator.
  19. Unfortunately, Macro Express cannot run as a service.
  20. The End If statement on line 55 needs to be removed. If Variable %T8% does not contain "Tryg" Delay 1000 Milliseconds Activate Window: "OPC" Delay 500 Milliseconds Wait For Window Title: "OPC " Delay 500 Milliseconds Text Type: <CONTROL>w Delay 500 Milliseconds Text Type: <ALT>n Delay 500 Milliseconds Text Type: <ARROW DOWN> Delay 1000 Milliseconds Activate Window: "Request E50" Delay 500 Milliseconds Wait For Window Title: "Request E50" Text Type: <ALT>c Delay 1000 Milliseconds End If Else Your code should look like this: If Variable %T8% does not contain "Tryg" Delay 1000 Milliseconds Activate Window: "OPC" Delay 500 Milliseconds Wait For Window Title: "OPC " Delay 500 Milliseconds Text Type: <CONTROL>w Delay 500 Milliseconds Text Type: <ALT>n Delay 500 Milliseconds Text Type: <ARROW DOWN> Delay 1000 Milliseconds Activate Window: "Request E50" Delay 500 Milliseconds Wait For Window Title: "Request E50" Text Type: <ALT>c Delay 1000 Milliseconds Else The End If command terminates the IF statements which will cause your ELSE statement to be executed regardless of IF statements.
  21. This information is stored in the Program Configuration. You can export it by clicking on Tools and then selecting Export Program Configuration. You can then save this file to be imported onto another machine. It is important to note that this will replace all of the program settings. This included all of the settings found under Options and Preferences.
  22. It's possible that when you are copying the information from Excel, that you are getting extra data that is not visible to you. If this is the case, the e-mail address most likely contains hidden characters. To remove these characters, try using the Trim option in the Variable Modify String command.
  23. We need a little more information. When you step through the macro, which line number is having the problem. Also, what is the exact error that you are getting?
  24. Try testing it with an e-mail. It should still work even though it does not remain.
  25. You can use the Clipboard Empty command found under the Clipboard options in the list of commands.
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