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Everything posted by oded

  1. I have created a very simple macro which should copy a complete folder (with all it's subfolders) to another location. First time (when the location folder is empty) it works flawlessly. However when I try to run this macro again I get the following error: "Cannot copy XYZ: The file name, directory name or volumed label syntax is incorrect." I have many other macros which do just the same and all work fine. Any idea what the problem might be? Thanks, Oded.
  2. Thank you Joe and Gabriel for your help Oded
  3. Can I prevent the following error message from being displayed? "The window "abc...." did not appear within the specified time" If the requested window does not appear within the specified time I just want the macro to end. Thanks for any help. Oded.
  4. Thank you chris for your response. Maybe sometime in the future?.. Best regards, Oded.
  5. Can I control the size of a popup menu displaying the Nickname and Scope of the macros? I have rather long nicknames and would like to see the full names displayed. I don't need to see the scope. Can this be done? Thanks, Oded.
  6. Well, after thinking again I wasn't sure anymore that the problem was (only) the screen, as also the keyboard and mouse were missing... So I didn't know (and actually don't know now too) if it's the screen, the keyboard, the mouse or all of them... I used the screen, mouse and keyboard to select several files and create a .zip file (by drag & drop.) I've changed it by performing command line actions, namely launching winrar and using "program parameters" to tell winrar exactly what to do. Works flawlessly Best regards, Oded
  7. One of my scheduled macros does certain screen operations (eg: open windows, select files, drag & drop, etc) and runs flawlessly. However when the screen is not available (same screen serves several servers via KVM) the macro doesn't run. Why? After all, the screen is just an output device. Or am I wrong? Thanks, Oded Edit: Problem solved
  8. Joe, Many thanks for your help. Much apreciated Oded
  9. Thank you Joe for your answers. I'm afraid I don't understand this: Variable Set String %T2% "<DD/MM/YYYY{YP0%T1%}{P000}10>" I don't know what YP0 and P000 mean... Have looked in the help files and in "Macro Express Explained" book but couldn't find. Can anyone give me some hint? Thanks, Oded
  10. Thank you Joe Does PGM Function Library has a function for this?
  11. I need to work with two variables, one containing the first day of current month (eg: 01/11/2005) and the other containing the last day of current month (eg: 30/11/2005) Of course the variables' content should change according to the date the macro is run. How can I do that? Thanks for any help, Oded
  12. Seems you forgot to edit the link to the list of complete changes (at the bottom of your message....) Oded
  13. I guess 3.5c should be replaced with 3.5d... Oded
  14. Thank you, IceBox (I'm sorry for the long time it took me to post this ) Oded
  15. Hello, I have a "main" floating menu (menu a) which has three items - each one activating another floating menu (a1, a2 and a3.) All items of these menus activate also other floating menus. (eg: Menu a1 has 7 items which activate menus a11-a17. Menu a2 has 9 items which activate menus a21 - a29 etc. I want to be able to nevigate to and fro between these menus. Namely say I go from menu a to menu a2, and from there to menu a25. I want to be able to return to a2 and choose something else. How can this be done? Thanks, Oded.
  16. Love it! Now I can access it from everywhere
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