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Everything posted by patgenn123

  1. Hello! I was just wondering if anyone can answer the question if Macro Express can perform such an action? Thanks everyone! Pat
  2. I know that other programs like Autohotkey and Autoit can do this, but I am having the toughest time capturing text/sending text to a control not visible/focused. For example, I have 5 tabs at the top of a database. The tab in question is not focused/visible. I would like to get(retrieve)/send text to a text box not visible. How do I do that without the tab/control in focus? There's too much busy-ness on the screen otherwise. Thanks! Pat
  3. Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone had a simple way of being able to detect the 1st number or letter in a string of text or numerals For example: Number: 1400356890 I want to be able to parse and detect the number "1" Letter: incredible. I want to be able to detect and parse the letter "i". Also, the number has 10 digits. How do you count them? The word "incredible" has 10 letters. How do you count them? Simple enough right? I hope. Pat
  4. Thanks McZenner! This may be a stupid question since I don't know anything about reading/writing to the registry, but is there an overall "safe place" to read/write to the registry that would run macros other than just this one place? In other words, I am looking at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\DEMO\MacroExpress\image_number and I don't see "DEMO" anywhere. Are you creating this folder? What are actually doing with DEMO since I don't see it in my registry tree? Is this a general safe haven to write to with anything else? Thanks! Pat
  5. Thanks Scaspar, Kevin, Cory and all, Terrific examples! Terrific ideas. I think the text file(the last one) might be the best way to go especially if you use a Window cleaner that cleans out the %TEMP% files as Kevin mentioned and the SAMPLES have as an example. The only thing I am curious to know is the registry idea that Cory mentioned. Would anyone(including Cory) like to chime in on how to write it to the registry? Thanks! Pat
  6. Thanks Kevin and Cory! Now I'll have a chance to try it. Excellent! Pat
  7. Cory on the Spot! Hey Cory! How are you? I hope well. Hey, pardon my ignorance, but I learn from example. Do youhave something simple to help me along the way? Please do not spend more than two minutes. I just need to see a tiny example whether it's your registry idea(which i am dying to learn how) and/or the text file. Thanks! Pat
  8. Hello all! Hey, I was wondering if the multiple choice menu could save what was checked. In other words, let's say I have a multiple choice menu that has Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. and on Monday I click the "Monday checkbox" signifying the task was done. Can it be opened the next time and still show that Monday was checked (and so on and so forth..)? Pat
  9. Aw shucks Kevin! Can you at least add an Ampersand to any of the letters("Available Macros") to get the mouse to at least highlight the first macro? Or at least the mouse set itself in first position according to a tab order? It looks like there is no tab order either. -Pat
  10. You are something else Scaspar. Some of these things i just don't know yet because I am not a programmer. I just fiddle with the program at times. These times I have some more time on my hands and I can only thank you and everyone else for your knowledge. Thanks ALL!!!!!! Pat
  11. Hello all! I am trying to get ME to tell me what the total pixel area is on the screen. For example, top left = 0,0 top right 1279, 0 bottom left = 0, 1023 bottom right = 1279, 1023 Is there anyway for macro to tell me these on any screen by doing a search? Thanks! Pat
  12. Thanks Kevin! One more question then. On the popup menu builder, how do I get ME to highlight the selected macro when there is no hotkey to activate the list? In other words, let's say I have a macro called "Open/Activate Word" in the list of available macros, how do I get ME to know how to highlight this selection? Thanks! Pat
  13. Thanks Steve, Well, I tried for a few hours and don't know how to start. Any additional ideas? If I could just get an idea of... Well... Nevermind... I am stumped... The real question is how to add the macro without Macro Express popping up. I really don't want ME "going through the steps" on the screen. Worse case I will use AutoHotKey or AutoIt to make ME transparent while it's working through its process if no other idea comes to mind. Do you run ME through the command line? What to do... Thanks! Pat
  14. Kevin, Would your answer be the "workaround" I mentioned? If so, can you please explain how to do it? Thank you! Pat
  15. Hey everyone! I have a real interesting question. Hopefully someone has the correct answer! I want to dynamically add macros to the PopUp Menu Builder. For example, I want to add a macro at the end of the Popup Menu called "Add..." then a macro to give more choices. After the choice is made, a macro is added to the "context menu like list of macros". Oh please. Can someone say "YES"?!?!?!?!?! Or is there a workaround? Thanks! Pat
  16. Thanks Scaspar and rberg! Can anyone, you, rberg etc, try to see if you are having the same problem as me? Here it is: Use Mouse click(in the Properties Tab) and choose an area/part and try it(keep the Scope global). Then add a Scope condition such as Window Specific or Program Specific, and see if it works. The reason for my frustration is that Mouse Click(on an area) works only globally and not specfic to a Scope and that's where my confusion/frustration set in. I was pretty upset because I was doing something big and it wasn't working at all. Thanks! -P
  17. Then that's the answer! But I want to make sure I'm clear. Mouse click(in the Properties Tab)works, but if you add a Scope condition such as Window Specific or Program Specific, it doesn't work anymore. What kind of repeat would you use then? Is it <> and if so, give me an example. Just kind of frustrated. That's all. -P
  18. Hi everyone. Can anyone help me answer this question; I have a program that I am having a really difficult time trying to "ACTIVATE" anything. The properties Tab has 6 choices - 1)HotKey 2) Schedule 3) Shortkey 4) Window Title 5)Mouse Click 6) Control When I use Window Title OR Mouse Click, it only triggers ONCE and then it no longer works again. Window Title only works again when the Window Title is reactivated by either returning from another program or minimizing then maximizing it. WHY CAN"T it KEEP ON FIRING WHEN THE SPECIFIC PROGRAM WINDOW IS ACTIVE? It seems like the Window Title only works once and that's it. What makes Windows cause the Window to be active continuously? Doesn't clicking on the screen cause that screen to be active again without having to go to another screen or minimzing/maximizing it and coming back? With Mouse Click, it works, but it only works if SCOPE is global. Why doesn't it work when an additonal condition like SCOPE(Window Specific and Program Specific) is added to the mix? Clicking on a certain area with Mouse Click won't work and is not consistent. Is there a patch or something? Thanks! -P
  19. Hey Scasper!!!! Since you helped me with my problem, I will help you. The Scripting Guys! The Scripting Guys! http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcen...qanda/htas.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcen...bs/default.mspx You just need to look at HTML Applications, but trust me. I've been using VBScript with Macro and Applications for a little bit now and they are great!!!!!!!! Thanks! -P 2 other things. The extension is .hta and if you look at the Third party Tools in macro Express's forums, the HTA is the second one on the list. This will show you how to do a self containing HTA. If you need the script to turn your HTA into a "straight string" to load into "variable set string - Set Variable Now" let me know, I will post it.
  20. Kevin, No dice. It doesn't slow down the CPU to a lower number. Now, I went my first post and Scaspar gave me an alternative http://pgmacros.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3342. I didn't go through the entire macro line-by-line, but I noticed right away that the CPU resources were not even affected by his. Why? By the way, thanks Scaspar. You actually helped a lot. But this question goes to Kevin and the staff at ME. Can you test these two and tell me why does one clog the system resources and why the other does not even yawn? And don't tell me that it was my tough luck! Well, knowing my luck, I was the one that came up with mine! Can you experiment with this Kevin or anyone? Why? Thanks, Pat
  21. OK Kevin! I never saw that webpage before! It has some interesting things. I am going to experiment with the text to voice stuff. Interesting! Nevertheless, I experiemented with just your average everday repeat with folder and looked at the task manager to see how much my CPU jumped after using tweakme3. I set it for 1. So it's the lowest it can go. I tried a Repeat with folder on over 46,000 files. The CPU jumped from 4% to 44% and then came down. What is so different with that and with this? <REM2:Opens and Copies Files Names to Clipboard><LAUNCHDEL2:0:01C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\All file Names.txt><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:All file Names - Notepad><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>a><TEXTTYPE:<CONTROL>c><WMIN:All file Names - Notepad><TVAR2:05:03:><REM2:Look into Text File(Count Total) for Initial Number of Files to Compare To><BTFBEG:003:000001:000000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\Count Total Files in Favorites.txt><TMVAR2:05:03:02:000:000:><BTFEND><IVAR2:01:01:1><REM2:Sets the CRLF><ASCIIC:95:1:13><ASCIIC:96:1:10><TVAR2:95:01:%T95%%T96%><REM2:Begins the Process of Counting/Creating New Text File of Updated File Count><REP3:07:000004:000001:0001:0:01:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Favorites><NMVAR:08:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><TMVAR2:08:01:95:000:000:><TMVAR2:08:02:01:000:000:><ENDREP><REM2:Saves New File Names To Text File(Revolving it)><TMVAR2:17:02:00:000:000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\All file Names.txtF><REM2:Convert File Count to %Text%><NMVAR:05:01:0:0000004:0:0000000><REM2:Saves New File Count(Overrides old number)><TMVAR2:17:04:00:000:000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\Count Total Files in Favorites.txtF><REM2:Subtracts Difference of Old File Count to New File Count><NMVAR:02:03:1:0000001:1:0000002><DIS:<IFVAR2:4:04:7:T5><REM2:Removes Old Files and Comes Up with Newest File Names><TMVAR2:11:05:00:001:N02:><TMVAR2:09:07:05:000:000:><TMVAR2:21:07:01:000:000: %T95%><DIS:<ENDIF><REM2:Text Box Sums Up Difference and Displays Newest Files><TBOX4:T:1:CenterCenter000350000200:000:Number of Files CopiedThere were %N1% files copied You have added %N3% new files since last update The files added were: %T7%><REM2:Closes Minimized Text File><WCLS:All file Names - Notepad> This macro immediately jumps to 100% and doesn't let go. For what it's worth, there isn't much to this macro, correct? Any ideas from your knowledgeable mind would help. Thanks! Pat By the way, why can't we send keystrokes to hidden controls? Is that something in the making?
  22. Hello All! I shouldn't have spoken about 46,000 taking 6 minutes. Now all of a sudden my computer freezes trying that very same program! My CPU usage goes to 100% and locks everything else out. Freezes the system completely. And yes, it is Macro Express. I delete everything else that is running leaving Macro Express as the last program. What can I do? I restarted my computer a few times, but to no avail. -P
  23. <BTFBEG:002:000001:000000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\Count Total Files in Favorites.txt><TMVAR2:05:02:02:000:000:><BTFEND><IVAR2:01:01:1><ASCIIC:95:1:13><ASCIIC:96:1:10><TVAR2:95:01:%T95%%T96%><REP3:07:000004:000001:0001:0:01:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Favorites><NMVAR:08:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><TMVAR2:08:01:95:000:000:><TMVAR2:08:02:01:000:000:><ENDREP><TMVAR2:17:02:00:000:000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\All file Names.txtF><NMVAR:05:01:0:0000003:0:0000000><TMVAR2:17:03:00:000:000:C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\Count Total Files in Favorites.txtF><NMVAR:02:03:1:0000001:1:0000002><TBOX4:T:1:CenterCenter000278000200:000:Number of Files CopiedThere were %N1% files copied You have added %N3% new files since last update>; This macro spits through 43,000 files in about 6 minutes. It also recognizes how many more files have been added since the last scheduled run. The question is: How can I have Macro Express recognize/isolate the newest files added by name? I am scratching my head... Pat
  24. Hello all! I am doing a project in which I need to get a small piece of the computer program screen(via Get Pixel), put it into a text file(with CRLFs, of course) and re-create that image in Microsoft's very own "paint" program. When done, I need to do something with it(not yet known). How do you convert those pixel coordinates to color and so forth? Thanks! Pat
  25. Hello all! I had to take a different approach. Here is the solution:(You can substitute your own program for mine) <IFOTH:14:1:ACTSAGE.EXE><AND><IFOTH:12:2:Microsoft Excel - ACT! 2009 Excel oledb><MSTOP><DIS:<BREAK><ENDIF><IFOTH:14:1:ACTSAGE.EXE><TERMPROC:001000:0:T:Microsoft Excel - ACT! 2009 Excel oledb><ENDIF> Thanks! -P
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