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Ctrl+Space Hotkey No Longer Working

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Hi all, 


I've been using Ctrl+Space as an activation Hotkey for a while and all of a sudden, it stopped working (does not run; does not activate the macro).  I was on MEP 6.6 and updated to to see if it would resolve it, but still not functioning as it was.  Is anyone experiencing this and if so, did you have a workaround?  If not, I'll submit a ticket to the developer.


Thanks in advance.


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Thank your for your responses!


I think it may be another problem.  I cannot activate ctrl+space in the default file explorer window.  Its scope was originally for any file explorer program.  For the sake of testing, I changed it to global scope and it's not activating with ctrl+space. However, when I change the hotkey to something else (ctrl+`), the macro runs.  Any ideas?


Note:  ctrl+space will work in any SAVE AS / Open file explorer window but not the standard folder file explorer.  It's very strange.




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Are you using Ctrl + spacebar to select non-contiguous items in File Explorer? If yes, do you navigate to each file by keyboard (Ctrl + arrow keys), or by pointing and clicking? Or are you using the hotkey to toggle between selecting and de-selecting an item without changing focus?


You may be dealing with recently-introduced exceptions to the long-established interaction rules in File Explorer. Have you recently changed settings or views in File Explorer?

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