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Editor window opening centrally

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Hi all,


Just want to exclude MX Pro as the cause of the following odd behaviour. For a few weeks when I now open the Script Editor it always displays in a central medium sized window (space on all sides). Attempts to get it back to its regular (20;year old?) position on the right of my Win 10 screen so far in vain. Anyone seen similar?


No big deal - I have a macro that repositions, resizes and sets width of panes - but I fret over unsolved puzzles. 🙂


Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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I am running MX Pro, Windows 10.  Both the Macro Explorer window and the Script Editor open as you describe.  As I recall, this behavior appeared when I updated to  Like you, I wrote little macros to size and position them to my preferences -- in my case, full screen for both.  Previously, the windows always opened full-screen, probably because that was the size and position I had last used. 

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Many thanks, pleased to hear I can stop searching for other causes!


BTW, MX Pro Explorer in contrast has continued to open in the same size and position as it's done for, what, a couple of decades.


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I've noticed quirks with the size and position of windows, but this isn't something new. I've seen it for years. I've wondered whether the behaviour might be related to the use of Macro Express to resize and reposition windows. Perhaps the methods Macro Express uses to resize and reposition are different from the methods Windows uses. But I don't really know.


Information about the size and position of each window must be stored somewhere. (In the Registry, perhaps?) But under certain circumstances, I think the values for "Restore" and "Maximize" get confused. 


When this happens, I click on "Maximize" and "Restore" a few times. This seems to fix the problem, at least temporarily.

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40 minutes ago, terrypin said:

Explorer in contrast has continued to open in the same size and position as it's done for, what, a couple of decades


"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" (Emerson)


"But it has its comforts" (me)

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After another Win 10 update overnight my desktop background image (whatever it is, solid or other) is cropped and confined to the left half of the screen.


And now MX's Explorer window suffers the same behaviour as the script window.


A PC restart thankfully appears to have restored my desktop to normal behaviour. But whatever it's done to cause the MX irritation remains.


In case it's of help to anyone else I've attached a screenshot showing likely WU culprits:


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  • 4 weeks later...

New versions of Macro Express and Macro Express Pro are available that fixes this bug. To correct the problem please install the latest version either via the automatic update or from our website download page.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not so sure? What size and position do others see when first opening the Script Editor window by d-clicking a macro in the MX Explorer window?


Here it opens at smaller height than when last used. Although my macro 'Action on opening MX Script Editor' then fixes it. Just curious to know what's going on? In fact until Kevin's post I had assumed it was a Windows 10 update quirk, not an MX bug.

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11 minutes ago, terrypin said:

What size and position do others see when first opening


I am at ME  Both Explorer and Editor now open at the size and location I last adjusted them to.  Running one monitor. 

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Posted (edited)

Thanks, same version. But further investigation shows it's down to my macro suddenly behaving erratically. On first occasion it fails to complete (well, I waited about 20 s), but next time was just slower than it had been, at about 2 s. Will investigate further, but meanwhile simply disable it.

Edited by terrypin
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