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Load Testing Using Me


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I have been tasked with finding out whether we can use Macro Express to simulate

multiple (50 - 100) users banging away at our soon-to-be new Customer Information System. We would like to find the bottlenecks and stress points, but do not have sufficient numbers of trained personnel at this juncture of the project to truly test load. It appears I can only play back one occurrence of a macro at a time, and I am not able to open up more than one instance of ME.


Has anyone out there used ME for load/volume/stress testing?


Our system uses WebLogic for our presentation layer, Tuxedo as interface to the app server, and Oracle as our DBMS...all running on Unix.


Thanks in advance.



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Jeff: Not sure what your ME licensure is, we are a large company so are licensed for multiples. Anyway, if you can come up with 50 to 100 computers and have the key you make accessed either through a shared drive or download it to each computer that could work. You could design the key to start up at a certain time and do the required transactions simultaneously. Perhaps even after hours allowing you to use daily workers computers after they leave. These are little "tricks" I have used, not only to test but to process huge projects. John

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Thanks John. I am using an evaluation copy. We do have ME in house but it's been years since anyone's used it, nor does anyone have this kind of expertise or experience. It is possible to come up with the computers...unfortunately, we cannot come up with the personnel. If we could create the macro set (approximately 5 to 10 common customer service rep scenarios) on one compueter and "propogate" it out...possibly across our network, this could work.


I am not able to open more than one session of ME on my laptop. Is this because I am using an eval copy?


Thanks again.



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You can only run one instance of ME on a machine. I have never used ME for load testing but I have written several macros that worked together on several machines over a network. I once needed to download 30k+ messages off a Yahoo group before it shut down once and had as many as 6 machines hammering away at it in parallel to make the deadline.


I imagine you can run multiple instance of the software on one machine, right? Well you could have one macro running that would quickly hop between multiple instances of your application mimicking user activity. And this would avoid a licensing violation.

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