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They track internally but if you are the first to report a problem you get email notifications form their system. Also in many cases if multiple users report the same time they will often add those emails to the notification as well. Personally I keep track of the ones I report on my webpage. I was in the beta program and there were enough that I was starting to loose track or would forget small details about how to create the problem. But now I keep it because I like to be able to keep screenshots, demo macros, supporting files and other bits there which are lost once one submits a bugrep.

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Any idea when we might see this release?

Our goal was to have a new release by the end of April but problems were found in our Q/A testing. The problems have been fixed and we have restarted Q/A testing. Depending on how the testing goes, we could have a new version within a few days.

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... But now I keep it because I like to be able to keep screenshots, demo macros, supporting files and other bits there which are lost once one submits a bugrep.

To clarify: screenshots, demo macros and supporting files that are submitted with a bug report are never 'lost' to Insight Software Solutions. All supporting information is available to us in our tracking database. We prefer these supporting files to be attached to the bug report so we do not have to search for them in other locations.


Issues in the tracking database are not publicly viewable. Each issue is assigned a tracking number. It helps us when you include the tracking number in followup correspondence. You can request the status of a specific issue by sending us an email request that includes the tracking number.


Cory keeps information about issues he reports on his server so he has ready access to it and so he can share that information with others.


You can visit www.macros.com/bugreport.htm to report a bug or www.macros.com/requestfeature.htm to request a feature but it may be easiest to visit our support web page at www.macros.com/support.htm. The link to our support page is available whenever Macro Express is running by right clicking on the Macro Express icon in the system tray and clicking 'On the Web' and 'Support'.

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To clarify: screenshots, demo macros and supporting files that are submitted with a bug report are never 'lost' to Insight Software Solutions.
Yes, I was being subjective. They of course will not be lost to ISS EEs but since there is no public access to the ISS tracking system they are lost to the contributor unless they keep some archive of these files and incidents locally.
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