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Scheduled Macros

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Can anyone help please?

Is it possible to create any kind of macro that would be able to open a program, then run either a series of key commands or even captured macro, and then close the application.... BUT, and this is a big BUT...I nee this all to happen when the system is logged off (in the background).

I am desperate for any help with this....

Thanks in advance

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When you are logged off, Macro Express is not running. When your workstation (or server) is locked, Windows ignores keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks generated by Macro Express. There is another way.


Windows has a build in task scheduler. You can set it to run tasks at specific times. If you enter a user name and password when defining the task, Windows will log on and perform the task.


You can have a scheduled task launch a macro. Look at the documentation for the /A option in the Macro Express Help under the Command Line Parameters topic for details.


It is even possible to have the computer wake up and run a scheduled task if you remember to hibernate instead of shutting down your computer. There are several stories on the web describing how to do this. Here is one.

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