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getting current directory

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I am giri @ girija prasad,

I have a need to read files where the mex file is located i.e. if xyz.mex file is located at c:\providerextract\, there are some other files test.txt(text file) provider.xls (excel file) at that location which I need to read. suppose if i change xyz.mex file to another location d:\demo\xyz.mex, then I have a need to read test.txt, provider.xls from the location. I also need to run macro express pro from command line with mex file/nickname.


I tried to run MacroExpressPro MeProc.exe /A::c:\TestMacros.mex?TestMacro but I got the errors and could not run. or else atleast In another way I have to findout the current directory. .

thanks in advance


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I have a need to read files where the mex file is located

Try this:

Variable Set From Misc:  "Current Macro File" into %MacroFilePath%
Variable Set From File path
Text Box Display: Result

<VARIABLE SET FROM MISC Destination="%MacroFilePath%" Value="Current Macro File"/>
<VARIABLE SET FROM FILE Filename="%MacroFilePath%" Option="\x01" Drive="%Drive%" Path="%Path%" Expand="FALSE" Flags="\x03"/>
<TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 %MacroFilePath%\r\n\\par %Drive%%Path%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="866" Height="118" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>

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This is how I normally do it:

Variable Set From Misc:  "Current Macro File" into %Macro File Path%
Variable Set From File path
Variable Set String %Macro File Path% to "%Macro File Drive%%Macro File Path%"

<VARIABLE SET FROM MISC Destination="%Macro File Path%" Value="Current Macro File"/>
<VARIABLE SET FROM FILE Filename="%Macro File Path%" Option="\x01" Drive="%Macro File Drive%" Path="%Macro File Path%" Name="%Macro File Name%" Extension="%Macro File Ext%" Expand="FALSE" Flags="\x03"/>
<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%Macro File Path%" Value="%Macro File Drive%%Macro File Path%"/>

As I have explained in other posts here I create macro packages this way. One folder of the MEX and all the support files. Works well to create development packages as well.

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This is how I normally do it:

Variable Set From Misc:  "Current Macro File" into %Macro File Path%
Variable Set From File path
Variable Set String %Macro File Path% to "%Macro File Drive%%Macro File Path%"

<VARIABLE SET FROM MISC Destination="%Macro File Path%" Value="Current Macro File"/>
<VARIABLE SET FROM FILE Filename="%Macro File Path%" Option="\x01" Drive="%Macro File Drive%" Path="%Macro File Path%" Name="%Macro File Name%" Extension="%Macro File Ext%" Expand="FALSE" Flags="\x03"/>
<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%Macro File Path%" Value="%Macro File Drive%%Macro File Path%"/>

As I have explained in other posts here I create macro packages this way. One folder of the MEX and all the support files. Works well to create development packages as well.

thanks & I will apply this to my program

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