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Processing Text Files And Looping


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I have just started to use Macro Express so forgive me if this these are simple questions :blink:


I have a list of domain names that I want to register with a registrar - I have recorded the screen captures and now I wish to add a way to process either a text file line by line or copy and paste from a text file line by line in the middle of this script.


I will process only 1 domain name at a time therefore the loop needs to be the whole script and the text file or copy paste section.


How could I accomplish this?



My second question is - I have seen script examples on this forum - is it possible to copy and paste these into the Scripting Editor as most do not have the Direct Scripting text?





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I wish to add a way to process either a text file line by line or copy and paste from a text file line by line

Try either the Text File Begin Process or the ASCII File Begin Process commands. Use the Text File Begin Process command if you want the complete content of each line from the text file placed in a single variable. Use the ASCII File Begin Process command if each line in the text file contains multiple 'fields' that you want placed in separate variables.


There are examples in the help topic for each of these commands that demonstrate their use.


is it possible to copy and paste these into the Scripting Editor as most do not have the Direct Scripting text?

Examples in the forum that are not in "Direct Scripting Text" (or the format used by the Direct Editor) cannot be copied and pasted into your macro file. When I include a sample macro, I generally use the Scripting Text because it is clearer for a person to read and understand. If I feel further explanation is needed I describe how the options within certain commands are set. Others in this forum include both the Scripting Editor and Direct Editor formats.


You can copy the Direct Editor format and paste it into your macro file but you need to make sure the 'separator' characters are not removed.

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Hu Again,


Maybe I should explain what I am trying to do - I am trying to create a macro to register .com Domain Names at Godaddy for $5.19 - Normally I would bulk register but the only way to get the 5.19 domain names is to register singularly. This is why I need the macro.


Well I managed to get this far:





Then I insert the the text file process command - this takes the top domain in a list and search from the file and put it into a domain availabilty search box.


Then I complete the checkout ... (just mouse clicks)


Then it loops to start again on the next domain from the beginning.




The problems I have are with the settings for the text file process and the looping from the beginning ... any suggestions?


Anybody will be welcome to this Macro if I siceed in doing it :)





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