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If Mouse Cursor commands not recognized


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In version 3.8a, the command for If Mouse Cursor does not work in some applications - they seem to be completely ignored.  Is there a patch for this?  I don't see it mentioned as a fix in any later release.  I did see the issue mentioned on another forum.

I have tried If Mouse Cursor is Arrow -> write log  Else write log END and I don't get either log record written.  I have also done checks for both "Is Arrow" and "Is Not Arrow" and neither evaluate to True.  Is this a bug or does it only work in certain types of applications?

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I have used "If Mouse Cursor is Internet Navigate" with no problem.  Haven't tried with If Arrow.  There are several update versions of ME 3 beyond 3.8a.  You can download and install them if you are licensed for version 3.  Insight web site will have descriptions of the fixes in each release.  Maybe there is a fix for your situation. 

P.S.  Add another "write log" just BEFORE your " If Mouse Cursor is Arrow -> write log  Else write log ", to make sure there isn't some other logic in your macro that is bypassing this code entirely. 

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Some thoughts:

Windows programs have the ability to define their own mouse cursors. If the program has it's own arrow mouse icon then the If Mouse Cursor: Arrow will not work. Maybe you can use the if Mouse Cursor: change command instead.

If one program is running with elevated privileges (as admin) then Macro Express cannot interact with it. See if running Macro Express as Administrator helps.

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I added a "write log" before the cursor checks and it is working up to there.  

I tried using 2 Wait for Cursor Change commands (one for the change to an hourglass, one for the change back to arrow) without any Delay command after sending the "Save" keystrokes and it seems to be working.  I think the app uses custom cursors so ME does not recognize them.  I am worried the first wait may miss the initial change to hourglass but the maximum wait times for the cursor commands should still handle it.

Thanks for your help.

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I re-did the IF cursor arrow ELSE END IF statements and it is working now as far as writing one of the log records.  I may have forgotten to update the error log file for that command from the network share to my local folder for testing.  But the results are now just inconsistent and so unreliable - sometimes it indicates it sees an arrow, other times it does not.  Checking for a cursor change still seems to be the most reliable option.

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