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Add Activation List in unhelpful order

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I've a feeling I've asked about this before but...


When assigning a new activation hotkey, the list presented here is in no useful order. Do others see the same?


The MX Explorer window's Activation column can immediately be sorted into alphabetical order, so why not the same for Add Activation?



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My guess is that the order of the radio buttons is based on frequency of use.


The vast majority of my macros are activated by hotkey or Shortkey, so the default order works brilliantly for me. Hotkey is the default activation, and can be switched to Shortkey by pressing the down arrow key, or "S." So not too much work. I use other activations only rarely. A few I've never used!


If the order isn't right, how about a window-specific Pop-Up macro for the "Create New Macro" screen? :)

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Really Alan? Certainly doesn't square with my 'frequency of use'!


For example I would try to avoid Alt plus a character, as that so often applies an application's built-in menu option.


Here's the top of my list.




Guess I'll continue simply switching to Explorer to decide my new choices. Getting harder. Must have a BIG cull!

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5 hours ago, terrypin said:

Really Alan? Certainly doesn't square with my 'frequency of use'!


For example I would try to avoid Alt plus a character, as that so often applies an application's built-in menu option.


Oh... you're referring to the list of hotkeys, not, as I erroneously thought, to the list of activation methods!


You probably know this, Terry, but there are two methods for choosing a hotkey:


1. Scroll through the long list and click on the hotkey you want to use; or


2. Click in the input box, and then press the hotkey you want.


I rely on the second method because it doesn't involve scrolling. (As a mostly non-mouse user, I have no patience for scrolling.) Also, I generally know which hotkey I want to assign when I start writing a macro, so the approach works for my style.


I take back my suggestion to create a pop-up menu macro!

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