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Window resizing problem


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I haven't needed to use the window positioning and sizing commands before, but my first attempt is behaving strangely. The relevant commands I'm using are:


Window Resize: Current Win - (Width: 300, Height: 500)

Delay 100 Milliseconds

Window Reposition: Top Right - Current Win

Delay 100 Milliseconds


But most times I get 800 x 600. Other times I get 300 x 500 but the window is top left instead of top right.


Anyone have any idea what may be going wrong here please? Probably prove to be embarrassingly obvious. ;)



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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I don't know what the problem is, either, but I do have ideas on how to debug it. Why not begin by creating a series of macros to resize the window, using different values, to determine whether there is a pattern.


You might want to throw in a couple of lines like this to help with debugging.


<IVAR2:01:09:><IVAR2:02:10:><TBOX4:T:1:CenterCenter000278000200:000:Width = %N1%

Height = %N2%>


Variable set integer N1 from window width

Variable set integer N2 from window height

Textbox Display Width = %N1% Height = %N2%

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I'm not sure about this case, but a couple of observations:

Some windows don’t like to be resized. For example you can't make the MacExp Editor window that narrow. Another tricky bit about windows is that there are many hidden windows running at any given time. You can see some of them by going to the MacExp Scripting Editor and opening your Window Resize command. Then choose 'specific window' and click the Select Window button. When the window selector dialog comes up, choose the 'Hidden' tab. I wonder if it's possible the one of these hidden windows are 'kicking-in' before you can hit the hot key (?) If that were the case though, I think that nothing would (visibly) happen, so this still wouldn't explain why you have the window going to the wrong side of the screen... Is it possible that you have another old macro that also resizes windows, or do you have another third-party utility though could be doing this?? IF the window was *manually* put in the right corner, 800x600, maybe the Windows OS is remembering this setting??

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Here is some scripting I use to resize and relocate a window (as all employees don't like using the screen the same size) and after done entering data into the correct spot, returns the screen to its original size. Have never had any problems with it.



<ACTIVATE2:United - iDRS - Microsoft Internet Explorer><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:United - iDRS - Microsoft Internet Explorer><IVAR2:01:10:><IVAR2:02:09:><IVAR2:05:07:><IVAR2:06:08:><WSIZE:00358,00495"CURRENT"><MSD:50><WPOS2TR:"CURRENT"><MSD:175><IVAR2:03:01:33><IVAR2:04:01:382><MMW2:3N,4N><MSD:175><LCLK><MSD:175><CLIPP><MSD:250><TEXTTYPE:<NUMENTER>><MSD:250><WSIZE:002N,001N"CURRENT"><MSD:50><WPOS2:0006N,0005N"CURRENT">

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Thanks all, appreciate those fast replies.


Somehow the issue seems to have resolved itself without my making any changes! I've used the macro dozens of times since my post, with consistent success. So I reckon it must have been some sort of rather obscure issue like those Steve suggested.


My first thought was a conflict with another of my 'macro' programs, a power utility I use called Stiletto (now obsolete, long since replaced by PowerPro). But I've been using that for many years, well before ME, and can't see any obvious conflict, such as duplication of the hotkey (Ctl+Keypad -). I am using rather a lot of CPU-intensive programs simultaneously, including a video editor, music player, image editor, browser, etc, so there's scope for all sorts of complicated oddities. It's always a bit worrying when you don't know what causes a problem, but I'm happy enough to have it working.




Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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