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Disable the current macro?

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I was sort of surprised to find that in the macro xyz, adding the command

Macro Disable xyz

at its end actually worked.


I wasn't expecting my PC to blow up, but I thought at least I'd get a crash of some sort. Was that over-apprehensive? Can I expect this to work reliably please?



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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Disabling a macro prevents the macro being activated. It does not halt the current execution of the macro. Nor does it prevent the macro being used via a Macro Run command in another macro.


Thanks Kevin, that's very handy then.



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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That is interesting. I'll have to remember that one.

Wha..? Something I knew about that you didn't? Wow... I've been using this awesome functionality forever, it feels like. 1 point to the couch-potato! I may have just looked out the window and noticed there are actual mountains outside!

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