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Search for a Value

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I need help doing the following. I know it will need an if statement, I'm just not sure how to do it exactly.


When searching for a value, using the find command, 1 of 2 things can happen:


1. If value is not found program will open a window with the name UltraEdit.

2. If the value is found, I want to highlight the word(s) by doing a Shift End and copying it to a variable.


When running the macro without stopping, how do we know which value has been found?


Thanks for any help.



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// Method 1 - Use a variable to capture the window title
Variable Set String %WindowTitle% to topmost window title
// Test if the focused window title contains the words "UltraEdit"
If Variable %WindowTitle% Contains "UltraEdit"
// Value not found. Do something.
// Value is found. Select to end of line.
 Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <SHIFT><END>
End If

// Method 2 - Use the "If Window" command
If Window "UltraEdit" is focused
// Value not found. Do something.
// Value is found. Select to end of line.
 Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <SHIFT><END>
End If

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I’m not sure but it sounds like you're opening a text file in anapplication and using the find command to see if something exists. A betterapproach would be to load the file contents into a text variable and using theMEP command “If” with the option “Contains”.


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