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New Computer

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So far I have used MEPro on my old desktop (win. 7) computer.
Now I have a new desktop (win. 10) computer.

Can I simply move macex.mex file fron old computer to the new one?
(Of course I'm aware that many macros would need to be changed.)
Any help would be much appreciated 😊

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If you copy the .mex file AFTER installing MEP on the new computer, the installation will already have created a .mex file.  In Macro Explorer you can select File | Open to access the copy containing your macros, rather than the skeleton produced by installation. 

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Tools > Export Program Configuration...

You can also export your settings. But I suggest that if you only have a few customizations, to manually set them. 

In my experience I sometimes make changes, forget to change them back, upgrades, or whatever. A new install with the basic configuration is a clean slate. 

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