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Everything posted by terrypin

  1. Agreed. The apps in which I run my few ‘scrolling macros’ have relatively long scroll bar lengths and their tops are either fixed or easily calculated. I’m curious too. Maybe UAMike could show us an example?
  2. For macros working on the scroll bar I usually first drag it to either top or bottom, and then further move it if necessary from that known position. In practice I've found that the 'guess' of its initial, unknown position works reliably. Typical example: Mouse Speed: 5 milliseconds Delay: 0.1 seconds Mouse Move: 1423, 218 Relative to Screen // Roughly middle of scroll bar. Delay: 0.1 seconds Mouse Left Button Down Delay: 0.1 seconds Repeat Start (Repeat 20 times) Mouse Move: 0, 4 Relative to Last Position Delay: 1 milliseconds End Repeat Delay: 0.1 seconds Mouse Left Button Up
  3. I was eventually able to reproduce this behaviour (in Chrome). I think it only arises if I first use the vertical scroll bar to locate the first of multiple hits.
  4. All of the dozen or so examples I tested displayed the Hello message. But behaviour varied widely. Some displayed only the Hello. Most briefly displayed both but the default quickly disappeared. One (Quicken) immediately displayed the default, but about 5 seconds later the Hello appeared too. In all cases both closed as soon as OK in the TBD Hello was clicked. Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  5. I have a pop-up menu for all my apps. Activated by a middle click on its title bar. For many of these the menu includes a macro to open the appropriate forum or newsgroup. Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  6. @kunkel321 I recommend the approach I described, namely activating a program that does support Regex to accomplish your search/replace. I personally use TextPad but here's a page suggesting a dozen free tools: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/132405/free-alternative-to-regexbuddy Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  7. Hi, You've handicapped us by posting a graphic image (and that's only showing part of the macros) instead of the full code in text form. Post again with the full code (and the command text too is always helpful). I cannot reproduce your problem. My simple test macro below displays the correct message. Command text: Variable Set String %tFullFilename% to "D:\Music\Artie Shaw\Big Band Years\Artie Shaw - Needlenose.mp3" Delay: 2 seconds If File Exists: "%tFullFilename%" Text Box Display: Result of IF test Else Text Box Display: Result of IF test End If Full code: <VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%tFullFilename%" Value="D:\\Music\\Artie Shaw\\Big Band Years\\Artie Shaw - Needlenose.mp3" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE"/> <DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="2"/> <IF FILE EXISTS File="%tFullFilename%" Search_Path="FALSE"/> <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result of IF test" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang2057{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 The file does exist\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/> <ELSE/> <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result of IF test" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang2057{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs20 The file does NOT exist\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="278" Height="200" Monitor="0" OnTop="TRUE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/> <END IF/> Are you perhaps moving the file at some point? Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  8. Nice to have but probably a major effort and I would suggest outstanding bugs, flaws and other features get higher priority. Despite my good intentions nine years ago, I never did get around to trying Lemming’s approach. Perhaps that’s a reflection of its relative importance to me. I do use Regex quite often, but usually within my text editor, TextPad, quickly activated from ME Pro. Possible analogy: MEP is you at your work bench. You reach for the hammer to do task X, for the screwdriver for task Y, etc. Terry, UK
  9. My current Explorer layout has 82 categories (and six have up to eight sub-categories). While some are well overdue for renaming or removal, in general their names reflect what I'd broadly call 'work areas'. Of the 82, 47 have names which match programs. The great majority of the macros in these categories are scoped either to that specific program (and/or one of its windows) or to Global. With this approach, finding or navigating through my two thousand or so macros is not a big problem. Nevertheless, it would still be handy if the Scope field carried more useful data (like MX 3), instead of just 'Global' or 'Window/Program Specific'. -------------------- However, excusing my digression, if I had to prioritise I'd place much more weight on other improvements. In particular, extending Last Run to include sub-macros, and preserving that field after a Macro Express Pro version change, rather than reverting every entry to 'Never'.
  10. Thanks. That’s rather what I expected. And I’d assume any ‘Global Except...’ scopes would also show as a small group, with the sort by the first exception.
  11. I no longer have MX3 installed so I can’t try it myself, but how does it handle multiple and ‘Global Except’ scopes?
  12. Indeed. I've often wanted to sort by Scope and am surprised to learn that this is a feature of MX3, yet not of MX Pro.
  13. Hi, Do you mean the Category? If so, have you enabled that column as I've shown here? Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  14. Staying well OT (I too have only a vague understanding of that command) and predating Heinlein by a decade, I bet neither of you recall the source of this snippet from one of my earliest SF reads? Tenser, said the Tensor. Tenser, said the Tensor. Tension, apprehension, And dissension have begun
  15. Are you serious? That's like asking "I want to use this to write a letter with my word processor but i have no clue how? anyone know?" You need to describe what exactly you want to do with MEP. Where are you starting and what are the manual steps you wish instead to automate? Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  16. I'm with Samrae on this, Cory. Presumably you're happy with 1809, despite the negative comments I've seen reported? But I haven't even been offered it anyway. Also, on my Win 10 newsgroup, I’ve been told that: - all security patches have been delivered to 1803 users - users’ system specs are factors governing whether updates are installed. Terry, East Grinstead, UK
  17. It must be some obscure problem with Waterfox (my default) and Firefox 56.0.2 (on which I gather Waterfox is based). All OK in Chrome, Edge and MSIE 11. Nor do those stars and black circles appear in those other browsers. In Waterfox and Firefox the black circle seems to occur when the thread is bold. The star remains a puzzle.
  18. Sorted! I stepped through some of the settings and several did not match those in v4. This is despite my selecting what I recall as an installation option to use the previous version's preferences, or words to that effect. I think the crucial ones were in Activations > General and Playback > Delays.
  19. Thanks. What is your OS? Mine is Win 10 Pro (Version 1803 build 17134.523). I just ran ME Pro version 4 and that hotkey works fine. Weird.
  20. Thanks Samrae, you're right. The cause appears to be that my email program, Forte's Agent, does not like that strange URL syntax. It's an offline reader and I have it set by default to display my mail in text format. But if I then use its option to launch the message body in HTML it's displayed correctly in my browser and clicking the link then works correctly. I get email alerts from many forums and only those from this forum contain the troublesome amp; Terry, UK
  21. Thanks. But unless I can recover my pop-up menus I’ll be reverting to v4 very soon, where those important hot keys were working just fine. Could someone try Win+Ctrl+F12 please? Terry
  22. I fear you may be right. Bad news as I use Win+Ctrl+F12 dozens of times daily and it would take a long time to break the habit of that combination. (The macro copies name and full path of a selected file in File Explorer to the clipboard.) But my biggest problem with version 6 is the erratic behaviour when activating my 68 pop-up menu macros as described in my earlier post: https://pgmacros.invisionzone.com/topic/8193-version-6-major-problem-with-popup-menus/
  23. Copy/pasting fails to all browsers: Waterfox (default), Firefox, Chrome, Edge, MSIE 11.) Opening from my text editor fails, as does clicking it from my email client, Agent. It also fails when clicked in Outlook. The Debugger is over my head. FWIW, this what I see, before playing with any of the many tabs and icons. his
  24. Here's a screenshot, in the hope that someone can spot a clue! BTW, what are the meanings of the star and circle icons against some threads? Where is that described?
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