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Everything posted by joe

  1. Here is another solution Cyberchief: // Delete everything from "/PIC" and to the right. Variable Set String %T11% "text text text /TN 111 111-1111 text text text text text /TN 222 222-2222 text text text text /PIC text text text" Variable Set Integer %N1% from Position of Text in Variable %T11% Variable Modify Integer: Dec (%N1%) Variable Modify String: Copy Part of %T11% to %T11% // Find the last occurence of "/TN". Repeat Until %N1% = 0 Variable Set Integer %N1% from Position of Text in Variable %T11% If Variable %N1% > 0 Variable Modify Integer: Copy %N1% to %N2% End If Replace "/TN" with "~~~" in %T11% Repeat End // Delete everything to the left of the last "/TN". Variable Modify Integer: Dec (%N2%) Variable Modify String: Delete Part of %T11% // Replace the first 3 characters in what is left with "/TN". Replace "~~~" with "/TN" in %T11% <REM2:Delete everything from "/PIC" and to the right.><TVAR2:11:01:text text text /TN 111 111-1111 text text text text text /TN 222 222-2222 text text text text /PIC text text text><IVAR2:01:13:11:/PIC><NMVAR:09:01:0:0000001:0:0000000><TMVAR2:10:11:11:001:N01:><REM2:><REM2:Find the last occurence of "/TN".><REP3:08:000001:000002:0001:0:01:0><IVAR2:01:13:11:/TN><IFVAR2:2:01:4:0><NMVAR:07:01:0:0000002:0:0000000><ENDIF><TMVAR2:21:11:00:000:000:/TN~~~><ENDREP><REM2:><REM2:Delete everything to the left of the last "/TN".><NMVAR:09:02:0:0000001:0:0000000><TMVAR2:11:11:00:001:N02:><REM2:><REM2:Replace the first 3 characters in what is left with "/TN".><TMVAR2:21:11:00:000:000:~~~/TN>
  2. Hello Cyberchief! Refresh my memory ... do you have the PGM Functions Library? If so, then this can be done in a couple of steps. If not then it will take a Repeat Loop and some extra steps.
  3. We do not use Norton so I cannot give any advice on it. Maybe there is a way to set Norton so that files within a particular folder can be run without exception. If so, then you need only change the output folder within the macro. Others in this forum that use Norton, or maybe even the Norton forum itself, might have solutions. I'm not sure how well the wscript.echo command would work in this situation because it requires you to click the "OK" button when it, er, echoes something. Most of the scripts we create for clients do not require user interaction. They are just fired up to do a task and then stop. Returning results to Macro Express is done through files, the Registry, or having the script generate a "runnable" macro command. When interaction is required, we generally use an HTA, which I am sure is something else that your Norton will feel itchy about. There are some examples of this in the Third Party Tools forum. All that being said, I am willing to bet there are more "elegant" ways to handle interaction between Macro Express and the Windows Script Host, but we have not yet investigated them.
  4. Hello Robert-HK! There are examples of controlling VBScript using Macro Express in the Third-Party forum. Here is a link to one that sorts strings. There are also examples of running HTAs from Macro Express. Many VBScript files can be run at the same time, and all can be launched from within Macro Express. The trick is to get Macro Express to pause until the script finishes. One way is to have your VBScript file write a dummy file when it ends, and have Macro Express wait until it sees the file before continuing. Cscript is generally used for debugging and wscript is run by default when clicking on a .vbs or .wsh file.
  5. Hello Cory! Use the Reload Macro Express Preferences command.
  6. It is no bother. Helping is what this forum is all about. You should not have to increment N9 yourself, because that is what the loop does automatically. Even though we cannot run it, paste your code so we can see it.
  7. Hello Cyberchief! There are two differences from your quote that I should have mentioned: Both loops use T51 through T86. Not T50, which would have been 37 iterations. The upper loop resets T30 to a blank string prior to each iteration through the loop.
  8. Hello Cyberchief! Here is an answer based on your above statement. There is absolutely no need to use the Variables Evaluation Level feature of Macro Express to solve this problem. What you want to do is very simple, and can be handled quite easily just using the dynamic Run Macro in Variable command. Repeat Start (Repeat 36 times) Variable Set String %T30% "" // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\ // Replace this comment block with your code that sets T30 \\ // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\ Variable Set String %T1% "<TMVAR2:09:%N9%:30:000:000:>" Run Macro in Variable %T1% Repeat End Repeat Start (Repeat 36 times) Variable Set String %T1% "<TMVAR2:09:30:%N9%:000:000:>" Run Macro in Variable %T1% // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\ // Replace this comment block with your code that processes T30 \\ // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\ Repeat End <REP3:01:000051:000001:00036:1:09:><TVAR2:30:01:><REM2:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\><REM2:Replace this comment block with your code that sets T30 \\><REM2:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\><TVAR2:01:01:<TMVAR2:09:%N9%:30:000:000:>><RUNMACVAR:1><ENDREP><REM2:><REP3:01:000051:000001:00036:1:09:><TVAR2:01:01:<TMVAR2:09:30:%N9%:000:000:>><RUNMACVAR:1><REM2:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\><REM2:Replace this comment block with your code that processes T30 \\><REM2:= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\><ENDREP>
  9. Hello Jeff! Good question. I suspect the attachement is a test, however, I will contact Matt and ask him.
  10. Hello Jeff! Link to response to your question in the Third-Party Tools forum.
  11. This will do the job: Variable Set String %T2% "-" Variable Set String %T11% "Adj MRC & NRC billed in error when QLBVPP applied to 156 accts. total adj all accts $32594.62 aprvd Qcare adj ID #22370. content id #10153. Qwest accept date 1/20/05." Repeat Until %N1% <= 36 Variable Modify String: Copy Part of %T11% to %T1% Replace "%T2%" with "%T1%%T2%" in %T2% Variable Modify String: Delete Part of %T11% Variable Set Integer %N1% from Length of Variable %T11% Repeat End Text Type: %T11%<ENTER> Repeat Until %N1% = 1 Variable Modify String: Copy Part of %T2% to %T1% Text Type: %T1%<ENTER> Variable Modify String: Delete Part of %T2% Variable Set Integer %N1% from Length of Variable %T2% Repeat End -------------------- <TVAR2:02:01:-><TVAR2:11:01:Adj MRC & NRC billed in error when QLBVPP applied to 156 accts. total adj all accts $32594.62 aprvd Qcare adj ID #22370. content id #10153. Qwest accept date 1/20/05.><REP3:08:000006:000002:0001:0:01:36><TMVAR2:10:01:11:001:036:><TMVAR2:21:02:00:000:000:%T2%%T1%%T2%><TMVAR2:11:11:00:001:036:><IVAR2:01:12:11><ENDREP><REM2:><TEXTTYPE:%T11%<ENTER>><REP3:08:000001:000002:0001:0:01:1><TMVAR2:10:01:02:001:036:><TEXTTYPE:%T1%<ENTER>><TMVAR2:11:02:00:001:036:><IVAR2:01:12:2><ENDREP> The first loop rebuilds the string 36 characters at a time and leaves the remainder as is. The second loop types the reversed string beginning with the leftover portion. I did not test it with a string <= 36 characters long. As to the avatars ... thanks. English Bulldogs are a wonderful breed.
  12. Hello cyberchief! The order in which you need to place the parsed sample string is: 1) t accept date 1/20/05. 2) j ID #22370. content id #10153. Qwes 3) j all accts $32594.62 aprvd Qcare ad 4) LBVPP applied to 156 accts. total ad 5) Adj MRC & NRC billed in error when Q Do I understand correctly?
  13. Welcome to the group Bananaman! You can use the Mouse Move command to place the mouse at any given coordinate on the screen. In your case, you would place it at the same coordinates as the Get Pixel Color command. Not sure what you are asking here.
  14. Hello Jeff! Is there any way for Macro Express to "know" which client you are working on automatically, say, by a window title? In other words, is the client or case reference part of the document's window title?
  15. Welcome to the group Michael! Setting the default choice for a Multiple Choice menu is just a matter of setting the results variable prior to running the menu. For example: (*) Blue (*) Red (*) Yellow If you wanted to set the default choice to "Red", and if the menu result variable is %T1%, then set %T1% to "Red" prior to calling the menu. Do the same if you are only returning "A" through "9" instead of the actual text. In this example %T1% should be set to "B" prior to calling the menu.
  16. What is it that they say cannot be done? Your algorithm? Macro Express? It looked to me like the command line syntax was pretty straightforward. What is it that you are trying to do?
  17. Hello Cory! Not I, but there is a lot of information available on the net for access control lists. Here is an in-depth link with links to other in-depth links.
  18. Macro Express Explained Macro Express Explained is a book written for you to assist in learning and using Macro Express effectively. Containing over 200 example macros and nearly 1,000 pictures, you will find something useful no matter what your level of skill may be. Here is a small sampling of the many topics covered: Beginner Setting up and using Macro Express Working with the Macro Express Scripting Editor Using wizards to create macros Running and Activating macros Using the built-in commands Intermediate Using variables to enhance your macros Handling Windows, programs, and other applications Working with the Macro Express Direct Editor Using command line arguments Capturing macros Advanced Installation procedures for networks Working with the Windows Registry commands Generating dynamic macros Processing data within files Handling applications using Window Controls Table of Contents View the Table of Contents (142 KB Adobe PDF) for a complete list of the topics covered by the book. Companion CD But there is more than just the book! Included is a CD-ROM that contains over 20 video tutorials, all the macro examples from the book, and other extras. Here is a list: Videos of different subjects from the book Macro examples from the book The Macro Express Pop-N-Pass macro library TweakMe3.mxe macro file for setting advanced Macro Express features The complete Macro Express help file in Word and HTML formats Plus trial versions of these products:Macro Express v 3.5 from Insight Software Solutions PGM Functions Library from Professional Grade Macros ShortKeys from Insight Software Solutions Capture Express from Insight Software Solutions Zip Express from Insight Software Solutions Book Reviews Macro Express Explained is super-fantastic!! Well worth the wait!! -- Kris Donahue » Read the full review here « I purchased your book, and it is excellent. Thank you. -- Richard L. As always...you guys ROCK! -- Keith P., Los Gatos, CA Buy it Now! $49.95 (free shipping in the US and Canada) Paperback, 7½" x 9", 400+ pages Purchase Macro Express Explained from Insight Software Solutions' shopping cart, by phone, mail or fax.
  19. Welcome to the group ChilleeB! You can setup an installation procedure that does not install the editor-half of Macro Express on the workstations. Without the editor, macros can only be run. Here is an excerpt from the Macro Express Explained book that may help:
  20. Welcome to the group delarge! The answer to your question depends on how you are running the macros. I am assuming at this point that you are not using the Macro Run command to string the macros together, but instead, want to use the variables from the macro that just ran. Remember that only one macro at a time can run. In other words, you cannot fire off a whole bunch of macros at the same time ... well you can, but they will still only run one at a time from the queue. If you want the current macro to start off with variable values from the macro that just finished (the last macro that ran) then place a Variable Restore All command as the first line. Note that you must also have placed a Variable Save All command as the last line in the macro that just ran. This works because for any given session, the variables are preserved in the Macro Express memory space until the next macro is run ... as long as you use the Variable Save All command. And you do not have to save and restore all the variables. Just strings, integers, or decimals, or any combination of them will also work. One problem with this approach is that terminating Macro Express will also erase its memory space (it starts with a clean slate each time it is launched).
  21. Hello Cory! I am not sure about this, but can you move the files from the networked drive directly to the Recycle Bin on the networked drive?
  22. Think of the two commands like this: Get Control is used at design time when you know the what and where's of a Control. Capture Control is used at runtime when you do not.
  23. Hello MJB! Two weeks seems like an awfully long time. Send to me joe@pgmacros.com your email address and I will get you set up.
  24. MJB - I can set you up with a PDF file until the book arrives. Let me know if you are interested.
  25. Have you reported this to Insight? Was this macro running okay in the past? What happens if you do the same steps manually as the macro does automatically? Do you still get a socket error?
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