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the while loop

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my question is simple, there is a a way to do a while loop in macro express pro ? it seem like i can't do it with macro express trough basic tools, maybe trough external script ? i want a while loop to check for two colors variables, each color in a specific area of the screen, while the two colors are detected, each on their respective area, execute something. 
Anyone can help me with that ? Thanks.

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Look at the Repeat instructions.  There is a "Repeat Until ...." that should do what you want. 

Though the logic might be easier if you use "Repeat Start...".  For example,











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The problem I've had with UNTIL loops is the ease of getting into infinite loops. The workaround I use is to set a "failsafe" value for the maximum number of repeats. Sometimes this value is a guess -- e.g., 20 or 100 or 1000 should be enough -- and sometimes it's calculated -- e.g., the number of pixels between points A and B.


It's less efficient to introduce and keep track of a failsafe variable, but I find the technique leads to more reliable scripts.

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I do the same thing acantor does. It's sound advice.

Don't forget to include reasonable delay in the loop also. For things like this I find 100 ms, 10 times a second, adequate.

If a macro gets into an infinite or long running loop, don't forget you have a hotkey to abort macros. You can set it in preferences under the miscellaneous playback section. By default it's Win + End.

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3 hours ago, acantor said:

The problem I've had with UNTIL loops is the ease of getting into infinite loops.


Ah, but don't we all write intentionally-infinite loops (REPEAT UNTIL %X% IS NOT EQUAL TO %X%)?  We do that because REPEAT START does not have a REPEAT INDEFINITELY option.  But I agree -- it is always wise to explicitly limit the loop in case, heaven forbid, we commit an error in logic.  Also, I generally embed the same 1/10 second delays like Cory does, if it's a macro the user is waiting for.  Longer or shorter delays when waiting for the computer itself to finish doing something, when human perception is not involved. 

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Ah, but don't we all write intentionally-infinite loops (REPEAT UNTIL %X% IS NOT EQUAL TO %X%)? 


(Image of a deer caught in a headlight!)


I confess... I do this occasionally... but only when the speed penalty is too great.


I do for myself, but not for the macros I write for others. I know how to break out of an infinite loop, but my clients usually don't!

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