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Opinions On The New Bullitin Board System


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Hey Everyone,


I just thought I would find out if everyone likes the new bullitin board system?

If there is anything that we can do to make it better please let us know.. Not sure it will happen but if it is a really good idea we will try to impliment it!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am glad everyone likes the new board.. I just wanted to find out what people thought about it, and I really appreciate the questions / concerns. It is ultimately Joe's choice on this. Well I apologize it took so long to respond. I was working on some other projects, and well forgot about this post until yesterday. Everyone have a great day!




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  • 2 weeks later...

A purely personal opinion (is there another type <g>?). I actually prefer newsgroups for visual reasons. You get far less noise and fluff with text as compared with HTML - just look at the amount of wasted space in each message.


But if more people get to see and use this techmology (and that's obviously the case) then I'll grin and bear it!

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I started accessing the newsgroup just as it closed (was that a hint or what?). I think the forum format is fine and gives one the opportunity to have a really silly avatar.


The typical number of messages in a thread are not that great in the forum and I find it better than a newsgroup for navigating messages - just scroll down. You can also edit your own posts - tidier than posting subsequent corrections. Personally I don't customize the setup very much but some people like doing that.

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