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Everything posted by acantor

  1. I occasionally notice windows that are unusually sized, just like the one you show. I wonder whether we are both seeing an unintended side effect of MEP's Maximize Window command. Try substituting: Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <ALT><SPACE>x or if you are being extra careful: Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <ALT><SPACE> Delay: 100 milliseconds Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): x
  2. This may work: S (to navigate to the first item that starts with an S) Enter (to activate that item)
  3. Variable Set Integer %Hour%: Set to the Current Hour Variable Set Integer %Minute%: Set to the Current Minute
  4. Clunky, but easy to understand. I have set the target time to 10:45 in this example. Macro Express seems to extract the hour based on the 24-hour clock. Variable Set Integer %TargetHour% to 10 Variable Set Integer %TargetMinute% to 45 Variable Set Integer %Hour%: Set to the Current Hour Variable Set Integer %Minute%: Set to the Current Minute If Variable %Hour% Is Greater Than or Equal To "%TargetHour%" AND If Variable %Minute% Is Greater Than or Equal To "%TargetMinute%" Text Box Display: %Hour%:%Minute% is after %TargetHour%:%TargetMinute% Else Text Box Display: %Hour%:%Minute% is before %TargetHour%:%TargetMinute% End If
  5. The Help screens in Macro Express have good explanations of string manipulations. The topic is only hard until the moment you discover that you can do it!
  6. I agree 100%. Well, almost 100%. I don't think I would automate the entire process i.e., doing every file with a single macro. Activating the script 100 times will still save gobs of times. But I would not hesitate to do it in one fell swoop instead of two steps. I agree that spliting the operation in two may save aggravation if you are new to Macro Express. There is plenty that can go wrong, as you will likely discover. Building the macro step by step, and adding judicious delays, will help contain the chaos that can occur!
  7. you could repeat the entire process 100 times... but I suggest adding more delays, especially when opening and closing windows. Other refinements are possible!
  8. What you are trying to achieve is not difficult, but the task is not trivial. It's a real scripting project. I don't think you will find too many volunteers! However, I can tell you some of the steps you are likely to need if you try to do it yourself: Type Text Control F // Open the Find dialog Wait 200 milliseconds Type Text <metadata> Type Text Enter Type Text Escape // Close the Find dialog Wait 200 ms Type Text <Left arrow> // Turn off selection Type Text Shift Control Home // Select to start Paste Clipboard Wait 500 ms Type Text Control s // Save Wait 2000 ms Type Text Alt F4 // Close the document Wait 3000 ms Activate XXXX // Make sure Windows Explorer is focused Type Text <Down arrow> // Go to next file in Windows Explorer
  9. Great suiggestions. Shift might be good, too. As it turns out, I have been using Ctrl, but I anticipate side effects. I am developing this macro for someone who may, on occasion, need to hold down the Ctrl key as the macro activates: The script automates mouse dragging from point A to B. If the user chooses to copy instead of move an object, she will need to hold down the Ctrl key. So I don't want to confuse matters by using Ctrl. Sending Alt to an application that has a menu bar or ribbon shifts keyboard input focus from the active window to the menu/ribbon... so there could be side effects. I sent an "official" feature request last night, so we'll see what happens with the next release olf MEP. I can imagine a check box in Wait for key dialog that reads something like... [ ] Intercept rather than send the key or [ ] Don't output the key or [ X ] Send the key after it is intercepted
  10. A feature I am requesting is a new option with the "wait for key press" command. I would like the key swallowed. In other words, when the user presses the target key, Macro Express intercepts it without passing it along. Wait for Key Press: A The macro is waiting for A. If the user presses A, the script executes the next line without sending A to the application.
  11. I would make two copies of the macro. Name one "ABCD 1" and the other "ABCD 2". Use the "On Error" handler to launch the cloned version, and then stop. In other words, "ABCD 1" calls "ABCD 2"; and vice versa. I am not sure if Version 3 supports error handlng, but Version 4 definitely does.
  12. Try running a repair of the Outlook pst files. This seems to resolve a number of problems that originate with Outlook. See: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/272227
  13. This discussion about video games reminds me of the guy who created a playable Tetris game using Macro Express 3. An astonishing feat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjhwXQ9EwJ8
  14. Macro Express does not detect Firefox controls particularly well, A pixel-sniffing script might be your best option, but it won't be elegant!
  15. There is an add-in for Firefox called "Old Bookmarks Sidebar" that might allow your old script to continue to work, at least a while longer!
  16. I don't think there is an elegant way for Macro Express to detect Fiirefox sidebars. Maybe with an external script?
  17. What shapes do you want to draw? If the curves can be described mathematically, this task might be doable with Macro Express. For example, y - ax^2 + bx + c is the equaltion for a parabola. When I need ellipses, I use the circle tool in PowerPoint....
  18. // Launch Notebook, and type some text into the window Program Launch: "notepad.exe" (Normal) Parameters: Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): This is the first Notebook window. Delay: 1000 milliseconds // Launch Notebook a second time, and type some text into the window Program Launch: "notepad.exe" (Normal) Parameters: Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): This is the second Notebook window. // Enumerate all windows that have "Notebook" in title with a Handle variable Variable Set Handle %hWin% from all windows with the title of "Notepad" Text Box Display: Move one notepad window to a different location so you can see both, then click OK // Activate the first Notebook window Window Activate: %hWin[1]% Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <ENTER><ENTER><ENTER>This should be the first Notepad window Wait for Text Playback // Activate the second Notebook window Window Activate: %hWin[2]% Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <ENTER><ENTER><ENTER>This should be the second Notepad window
  19. I have this code sample that is supposed to illustrate Handle variables. I am not sure where it came from, but I modified the code. No guarantees that it works!
  20. AutoHotkey is a very powerful macro scripting tool, and I use it when I cannot do something using Macro Express. Macro Express remains my first choice because it's a lot easier to use. I suggest that you submit a formal feature request for the additional macro activations. The people at Insight do pay attention to bug reports and feature requests.
  21. Could you give an example of what you are trying to do? At first I thought that you want to test whether a string variable contains a decimal point, but now I am not sure.
  22. I rely heavily on Macro Express and Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and have for years. I have not detected any conflicts. Please post an example of one or more of your Macro Express scripts. Maybe it has something to do with your scripting technique. If that's the problem, you may need to rewrite or revise your ME scripts. Are you running any specialty software? E.g., a screen reader or screen magnifier?
  23. The macro was scripted in Macro Express 3, but you are using Macro Express 4 ("Professional"). The syntax of commands is slightly different. Try importing the .mxe file into Version 4 rather than opening it. (I think you may need to rename it to .mex) Alternatively close Macro Express 4, download Macro Express 3, and try again.
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