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Everything posted by Samrae

  1. Maybe this: If not control %C1% visible Macro Stop End if or this: If control %C1% visible Mouse double left click on control %C1% Delay 3 secs Macro Run: macro name End if But, I think if the control never becomes visible that this command: Wait for control %C1% to be come visible would fail and halt the macro. Keep in mind that sometimes (often?) controls behave weirdly. You may not be able to see a control but it may be visible to Windows (and consequently to Macro Express). You have to test your application and adjust your macros accordingly.
  2. The Expand the filename option was discussed previously: Expand filename: what does it do? This option changes a relative file path to a fully qualified pathname. If the current directory is set to "C:\Program Files\Macro Express Pro" and the filepath set to '..\Common Files', Expand the filepath will change it to "C:\Program Files\Common Files". Expanding a path of "\Program Files" will add the drive letter resulting in "C:\Program Files". I have submitted a bug report to Insight Software so they can update the help.
  3. Looks like that was fixed nearly 5 years ago: 10. Fixed a problem with the Round Decimal Variable command. [iSS3768]
  4. I did not see a problem when I converted a macro from Macro Express 3 to Macro Express Pro. If you did then please post an example. Or, better yet, send it to Insight support.
  5. Have you even tried their support? Just because they do not post here does not mean they are not "focused on helping users directly with their problems." Their support seems very clear to me: Reporting bugs and requesting features. Insight has been helpful whenever I have asked them for support. You should send them an email or call them.
  6. The Macro Playback Speed command only changes the delays in your macro. If you have no delays, the speed will not change. If you have questions about this I recommend you contact Insight's support people. They are very responsive to direct requests.
  7. Why do you say that? An .MXE file can be imported into a macro file just as easily as a .MEX file, can't it? If we are expressing opinions, I think it makes things easier to include the text of your macro in your post so people can read what it does without having to take extra steps to import the macro first. It is easier and faster to know what is going on by seeing this: Window Activate: Microsoft Word instead of this: <WINDOW ACTIVATE Title="Microsoft Word" Exact_Match="FALSE" Wildcards="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x0006"/> For those who don't know, 'Copy Command Text' in the context menu copies the script in text.
  8. How does this differ from the Macro Express Mouse Locator? To launch, click Tools, Launch Mouse Locator.
  9. Try this: Variable Set From Misc: "Current Macro File" into %MacroFilePath% Variable Set From File path Text Box Display: Result <VARIABLE SET FROM MISC Destination="%MacroFilePath%" Value="Current Macro File"/> <VARIABLE SET FROM FILE Filename="%MacroFilePath%" Option="\x01" Drive="%Drive%" Path="%Path%" Expand="FALSE" Flags="\x03"/> <TEXT BOX DISPLAY Title="Result" Content="{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\\f1\\fnil Tahoma;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\f0\\fs16 %MacroFilePath%\r\n\\par %Drive%%Path%\\f1 \r\n\\par }\r\n" Left="Center" Top="Center" Width="866" Height="118" Monitor="0" OnTop="FALSE" Keep_Focus="TRUE" Mode="\x00" Delay="0"/>
  10. Have you tried contacting them? Did they reply to your email?
  11. Another approach to creating the text macro file would be to highlight your macro and save it as a playable macro. Then edit or rename the playable macro. It contains the macro in the direct editor format.
  12. Yes, this is possible. But it requires a technique that may be more complicated than using .INI files or the registry. Macro Express has the ability to run a macro that is contained in a text macro file. The text macro file can be modified by Macro Express or by another separate process. To set this up do the following: Create new macro Put Variable Set String %printJob% to "A" in it Click View and Direct Editor Copy the macro command Paste into a text file. I would save it in the same folder where your other macro files are located. This gives a sample of the ASCII text syntax for the macro command. In your macro that contains the Multiple Choice Menu command put in a Load Macro Text File file command using the path to the text file you created above. Now, as your regular macro runs you can modify the text macro file to set %printJob% to B or some other value as needed. You can put as much or as little of your macro into the separate text macro file as you wish. This requires a separate text macro file, not much different than having an INI file. I would just create an .INI file in the Temp folder (use %TEMP% in the path) and save the variables in it. Many programs store stuff in the Temp folder.
  13. Can you type the date instead of pressing arrow down? If so, you could have the macro type 3/4/2010, 3/5/2011, etc. This is likely to be more reliable than 730 arrow down keys. There are commands to get day, month and year and put into integer variables that can by typed.
  14. When using the classic theme on Windows 7 the path shows up in the titlebar of Explorer. Change the theme in Control Panel. To display the path in the titlebar with other themes you need to install a third party utility. Do a search for "AeroBar" or "windows 7 explorer title bar".
  15. I didn't say the current version is v only that the Split String command was optimized in that version.
  16. Are you using the latest version? The change log for v says "17. Optimized the 'Split String' command.
  17. You could use the Variable Set String from Prompt command to get the file mask.
  18. Some programs disable the keyboard hooks when asking for a password. This keeps key loggers and other bad software from capturing your password. But it also ignores keystrokes from Macro Express.
  19. Perhaps simplest would be to do this: // Save position of mouse Variable Set Integer %X%: Set to the Mouse X Coordinate Variable Set Integer %Y%: Set to the Mouse Y Coordinate Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <ALTD>d<ALTU> Delay: 0.1 seconds Text Type (Simulate Keystrokes): <CTRLD>c<CTRLU> Delay: 0.1 seconds Variable Set String %URL% from the clipboard contents // Restore position of mouse Mouse Move: %X%, %Y% Relative to Screen Delay: %Delay% seconds Mouse Left Click This moves the mouse but moves it back.
  20. It looks to me like you can post what you want on this forum but if you want to be sure Insight sees it you need to submit it directly to them. Paul is blunt or even hostile to many forum users, not just you. Don't take it personally. He is often helpful if you can overlook his tone.
  21. I have a macro that does this. When it runs it looks in the registry for a name. If it is not found, it asks the user for the name and stores it in the registry. This feature runs at the beginning of a macro that they use anyway. If you save the name in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER area of the registry it will be unique for each user that logs on to a computer. Another idea would be to get the name of the logged on user from Windows using the Variable Set From Misc/Set Variable %T1% to "Username" command.
  22. The macros on the Shared Macros page have versions for both Macro Express 3 and Macro Express Pro. Variables are global within the scope of a single macro thread. If one macro calls another using the Macro Run command and the called macro alters the variable, that altered value is in the variable in the main macro.
  23. When I minimize a Text Box I get only an icon, not the title. What am I doing wrong?
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